
Quality Assurance

At FRIENDS paramount importance is given to Quality and therefore the QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL is an integral part of the manufacturing process. In fact the Quality Assurance process starts with the receipt of order when all customer specifications and requirements are carefully studied and process chart is developed. The process control chart developed for the customer is used for the production and strictly audited by the Quality Assurance at every manufacturing stage. FRIENDS never hesitates to go that extra mile to make sure that its products live upto their promises.

Even on the lookout for better products the ‘FRIENDS R&D WING’ makes product development a continuous process. Using computers and high precision machines intensively for production, planning, designing and research.

The special position FRIENDS holds today in the automotive trade and industry is the direct result of the ability of the company to foresee the challenges of the market place and continuously adapt to new challenges.

Quality has been the bedrock of manufacturing at Friends Group. This principle of Quality over Quantity was instilled in us by our Founding Partner Late Mr. SK Malhotra.

Founding Partner